Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Our First celebration of The Day of The Dead

For Carolyn Coffey

For Jessica and Grace



Mo and our "alter"

30 victims

30 victims
Mary Burns
We set up our alter behind "Mo" and lit candles. We worked on getting a fire going in the fire pit in front of "Mo".(See picture 5) And when my husband, the fire master arrived he got a beautiful fire going. We played "Heart", and "Home"(See Charlotte), and a whole Beatles album (See Benjamin). I explained the plan in general to my 12 year old Brian and to my 9 year old Alana and our friend next door Cailyn (age 9). We put out some impromptu invites but it was just the cozy 5 of us. Brian thought of everyone. "And your Aunt Carolyn?" Yes, Brian, (see picture 1) cousin Janet posted some pictures from their celebration of Dia de las Muertos - I printed those out and put them on our alter. "And what did she like?" She loved to watch birds and be out in nature. "OK, I will go get one of our bird books." Brian, "What about Uncle Tom's wife?" Of course, Mary. (see picture 8) Found a picture of Mary on her daughter's FB page, printed it out for our alter. Cailyn asked if she could bring out something for her dog Remi. Of course you can.(See picture 3) And Tanner? (See picture 4) Absolutely. "And Mommy, how do you know those 30 people that you have in the box?" (See pictures 6 and 7) Well, I don't personally know them but there were 2 national tragedies which took these 30 people and cut their lives too short. I want to honor them.

As Alana, Cailyn, and Brian tended the fire (see Avielle) and we cooked our hamburgers (See James)... Alana says to her friend Cailyn "I feel like every fire represents people and animals who have died and their souls get lifted up by the smoke - like a set of stairs - to heaven."... From my nine year old. "Isn't that WONDERFUL?" (see Caroline) What a beautiful idea. And like a set of stairs those souls can travel down and be with us for the night. Cailyn and Alana discussed this for sometime in a very hopeful manner... and Brian said "Mommy, this is really nice." Alana and Cailyn started playing, laughing, and singing as if they had been joined by a whole bunch of 6 and 7 year olds. It was a beautiful night.

I honestly did not get done everything on my list for November 1. And I am not beating myself up about it. I know what I still need to do and I know who it is honoring. Everything will happen in good time.

I easily made the decision that we will observe November 1st as The Day of the Dead or Dia De Las Muertos or All Saints Day every year. Love, Heart, Home, Nurturing, Healing, Beautiful.

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