Friday, October 18, 2013

What is this site for?

From October 1st through October 30th, I want to remember the victims. And NOT the killers. This is a place where the innocence of the victim's lives will be remembered and honored. There will be no mention of the killer. The killer's name will not appear the manner in which the victim's died may not be discussed. And this is NOT the place for political beliefs, policy debate, or personal opinion about how these victims died. This is a site, where for 30 days before Halloween, we honor the victims. On Halloween, we scare away evil. On November 1st, we "Dance with the Dead", and celebrate the victim's lives on the Day Of The Dead.

It is already October 18th and I have not started. But I am not going to beat myself up for that. I start now. A post per victim. And we will start in Connecticut.

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